"Outside the walls"; shows our expertise in cultural engineering and helps us meet the needs of others.
Today the Grimaldi Forum Monaco is well-known as a cultural showcase for the Principality of Monaco abroad, thanks to the travelling "Grace Kelly" exhibit that has been in place since 2007. After 15 destinations, this exposition has already had more than 1 million visitors worldwide!
The GFM "Outside the Walls" also has other travelling Grimaldi Forum Monaco exhibits such as "Queens of Egypt" in Tokyo and Osaka, "Russian Avant-Garde: from Chagall in Malevitch" in Madrid, and "Bacon" in Bilbao.
In the end, GFM's "Outside the Walls" is all thanks to the expertise of the team from Grimaldi Forum Monaco's Cultural Events department, which makes it museographic know-how accessible to clients around the world, as was the case at the beginning of 2022 with artist Jane Gemayel's exhibition in Dubai.
Travelling Grimaldi Forum Monaco Expos

The Grace Kelly Years
In 2007, the great summer exhibition "The Grace Kelly Years," welcomed a record 135,000 visitors in 2 months. This success prompted the Grimaldi Forum to continue the adventure of this exhibit by taking it around the world. This was the starting point of GFM's Outside the Walls.
"The Grace Kelly Years" has already travelled to approximately fifteen destinations from Canada to Australia, passing through the USA, Europe, Russia, Kazakhstan and Azerbaijan.

Queens of Egypt
In 2015, the 2008 "Queen of Egypt" exhibit curated by Christiane Ziegler, Honorary Director of the Department of Egyptian Antiquities at the Louvre Museum, was presented at the National Museum of Tokyo and the National Museum of Osaka respectively, in co-production with NHK promotions.

Russian Avant-Garde: from Chagall to Malevitch
In 2019, the people of Madrid were able to discover the "From Chagall to Malévitch" exhibit that was produced at the Grimaldi Forum in 2015, under the direction of Jean-Louis Prat.

Princes and Princesses of Monaco
In 2018, as part of a cultural exchange with the Imperial Palace in Beijing, the Grimaldi Forum presented the "Princes and Princesses of Monaco: A European Dynasty (13th-21st century)" exhibit as a preview at the Forbidden City, curated by Thomas Fouilleron, Director of Archives and Library at the Prince’s Palace. Following a chronological circuit, the event brought together more than 250 works, mostly from the collections of the Prince's Palace, but also from other cultural institutions in Monaco that are dedicated to the history of the Grimaldi dynasty.

Grace Kelly, from Hollywood to Monaco
The Galaxy Macau Group welcomed a new version of the Grace Kelly roaming exhibit, "Grace Kelly, from Hollywood to Monaco"
from May to August 2019 as part of its most recent cultural policy. This collaboration once again confirmed the strength of the privileged ties that have been bringing the Principality of Monaco closer to the People's Republic of China for over twenty years.
In 2019, the GFM will have numbered its 18th travelling exhibition abroad.

© Courtesy Guggenheim Museum Bilbao